Nowadays we are very used to throwing away too many parts of vegetables and fruits as we consider it ʻwasteʼ. The end of vegetables or the peel of fruits are not waste. Föröka offers an opportunity to reuse them in an innovative manner. Imagine a future in which 3D printed food is ordinary, every house owns their own printer and buying/producing waste filament is common. By 3D printing waste filament into abstract shapes, we no longer associate it with the old ingredient we considered waste. It will psychologically trick our brain into believing it’s a new food and will make it easier for us to consume, smaklig!
The classic cup of tea with a cookie is a concept that we've been enjoying for centuries. In a futuristic context, I believe we will become more aware of the food we consume. for example, eating more nutritious foods like almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and citrus fruits. In ʻhögt teʼ we do so by soaking those ingredients in warm water creating flavored tea, while dehydrating the 'waste', better known as the soaked fruits and nuts, preserving their natural minerals and vitamins. You can enjoy them together as a nutritious snack, smaklig!
Growing fungi yourself is an exciting and sustainable. Using only a few minimal items you can start your own cultivating process. Placing the cardboard ʻshredsʼ in the jar as a grain substrate replacement and adding spores is as difficult as it gets. It’s a waiting game as mycelia slowly covers the cardboard. Place the mycelia into fruiting conditions by playing around with the temperature, humidity and increasing fresh air. From there you will slowly start cultivating your own mushrooms you can use in any healthy dish, smaklig!